Podyssey Header

Discover your next trip

Bring the museum experience to the world around you. Curated and customized audio-based and augmented reality walking tours that allow you to make decisions based on your time, location and budget.


Graduate Project-Team


Adobe XD, Photoshop, Illustrator, Adobe Aero, Figma


September-December 2019


Our team conducted a multi-methodology approach to research to understand how users currently plan and travel. We surveyed over 40 participants (N=44). The survey was used to collect quantitative and qualitative data regarding podcasts, walking tours and the planning process for trips. Secondly, we interviewed 7 individuals (N=7) planning a trip or who recently traveled. The interview covered the participant's traveling history, planning experience, and the tools that they have used in the past.

Walking tour icon


Participants have been on walking tours

Podcast icon


Participants listen to podcasts

Travel icon


Participants traveled within the last year



I don’t like being dependent on other people’s timing but I really enjoy the information I learn while on a tour.


The experience was crowded and a little rushed. I would’ve preferred to walk through alone, although I gained more information about the locations than I would’ve without the tour.


I do a lot of research before I travel mostly because I really like learning about the culture of a place and that takes a lot of research to figure out the places to go.

Key insights


The majority of participants travel multiple times a year, domestically at a minimum twice a year and over half of the participants reported currently planning a trip.


Podcasts are popular and people often multi-task while listening to them. Tasks performed while listening to podcasts tend to be daily responsibilities.


People use a wide variety of resources and tools, often multiple at a time, to assist with travel.


People tend to enjoy historical or walking tours because they can aid in travel planning and provide a unique insight into a place’s culture or history. However, there are frustrations with being in a group setting whether due to other members in the tour group or constraints from being unable to go at their own pace.

Affinity Diagram

Affinity Diagram for Podyssey

Jobs to be done

Situation   Motivation   Outcome

When I am traveling, I want to plan the best activities for me, so that I can enjoy my time while on the trip with less stress.

When I am traveling with friends, I want to plan and share things to do, so that we can find activities that we would all enjoy.

When I am in a new place, I want to go on a walking tour, so that I can learn more about the history and culture of the locals.

When I am finding new podcasts, I want to find one that I am interested in, so that I can entertain myself and learn at the same time in a topic I find interesting.

How might we allow users to discover location-based adventures and content in real-time?

Design Recommendations


Support real-time discovery
Our participants used planning as the base of choosing activities to better use the time while traveling since finding activities was overwhelming and time-intensive.

Therefore, we should provide the ability to quickly find and recommend activities in real-time in order to streamline the process.


Support search filters for the discovery of content
Our participants voiced that they had difficulty filtering through the information to find pertinent information for their travel. Participants reported having to switch through multiple tools and resources to discover different activities to do.

Therefore, we should provide the ability to filter information and recommendations for activities based on the participants’ constraints.


Support sharing between parties
Our participants voiced that communication between the group while planning, traveling and reflecting on travel was difficult to share information. Changing or altering plans was also difficult to do.

Therefore, we should provide the ability to share information between the group in order to better plan, change or share activities.


Support location-based service directions
Participants in the interview expressed directions as a pain point when they were lost as well as a key feature that they enjoyed while participating in a walking tour.

Therefore, we should provide the capability to provide directions in order to provide a better experience through the app.


Support preview of the content
Our participants were very particular in choosing their content and activities and each had particular key features and information that was important to them.

Therefore, we should provide the ability to preview content in order for the user to determine if it is something they would enjoy.


Support independent experiences
The majority of frustrations in regards to tour guides were due to group experiences, whether it be members in a tour group or time constraints. Our participants discussed not having a desire to attend a tour because of this.

Therefore, we should provide the ability to have independent experiences that are customizable yet share a similar experience to a walking tour.


Support smaller time-intensive activities
Participants expressed frustrations with walking tours being too long to fit within their specific timeframes. Because travel plans are not flexible, participants discussed wanting more customization to better fit their travel interests and schedule.

Therefore, we should provide the ability to have shorter experiences, organized by interest that can be built into a longer experience.


Support communication with local experts
Participants frequently expressed wanting an authentic experience while traveling and enjoyed it when they were able to hear from a local’s perspective.

Therefore, we should provide a way for locals to share their advanced knowledge of their city.


Traveling is a large investment not only financially but it can take months of planning through a multitude of tools.

Solution: From planning to when you’re traveling, Podyssey is with you every step of the way. With the real-time location-based discovery, augmented and audio based tours, and the ability to plan with your friends, Podyssey aims to break down barriers to make a more approachable traveling experience.


Podyssey storyboard gif


Persona 1 for podyssey
Persona 2 for podyssey
Persona 3 for podyssey

User Flow

Podyssey user flow gif

Low Fidelity

Made in Figma
Link to Prototype

Podyssey low fidelity gif

User Testing

Our team asked 7 individuals to engage with our Figma prototype. We collected feedback in various ways, including a list of tasks for them, time to explore the app freely and to verbalize their joys and discomforts.

We found that many of our participants were confused over the same tasks within our prototype: the process of finding a premade journey and deleting an activity within an itinerary.

Overall, the participants discussed that the experience felt intuitive despite those challenges. We will be implementing these changes on our final prototype.


Final Project Video

Augmented Reality Prototype Video

Final Design

Made in Adobe XD
Link to Prototype

Final designs for podyssey